2022 Melbourne Sessions

Session 4: Free Public Transport

Session: 4

Room: Regent Room

Session Title: Free Public Transport

Format: Discussion

Presenter Name: Rosie (City of Stonnington)


  • Only 30% of operating costs are funded currently, funding has to come from somewhere.

  • Free Tram Zone takes pedestrians off the street and requires more services, increasing costs due to increased demand, mode shift away from walking, loss in revenue and spike in demand.

  • The issue is not limited to cost, but access particularly for those with poor access (outer suburbs). Not many big systems that are free, there are smaller ones. Instead put tram revenue in areas which need it for example Melton, and Clyde.

  • Look at the full network and where a free zone would increase the uptake of public transport (not away from pedestrians).

  • Costs too much to travel to/from regional Vic (over $20) on VLine. Lower price of regional passengers.

  • Transport has to become a service: Means-tested pricing, flexible/dynamic fares based on demand.

  • Transport projects are measured by travel time savings, which is very narrow.

  • Who is going to integrate these services?

  • Consider safety when considering mode choice and MaaS, which fills a gap when people do not feel safe walking.