2022 Melbourne Sessions

Session 3: Victoria Transportation Integration Plan

Session: 3

Room: Yarra Room

Session Title: Victoria Transportation Integration Plan

Format: Presentation

Presenter Name: Catherine McNaughton


  • Call on the Victorian government to work with councils and communities to develop metro and Victoria regional transport and land use plans.

  • Create the places communities want.

  • Assess infrastructure proposal to demonstrate maximum community and environmental benefits.

  • Prioritize equity and people.

  • Achieve net zero greenhouse gas emission transport and land systems.

  • Include traditional owners’ perspectives, knowledge and country plans.

  • Include full community engagement. As required under the transport integration act 2010 and climate change act 2017.

  • Ad hoc projects have demonstrated limited community benefits, lack of integration, and limited linked benefits.

  • Consider the scales of challenges that arise with population growth; changing commuting and living patterns, technology, climate and biodiversity emergencies.